So if you haven't heard of upcycling before- it's a play off of recycling but instead of breaking something down and re-purposing its parts, you give it new life and take it to the next level. Or at least that's my definition. Each week, we get flowers delivered by our wholesaler in these big cardboard boxes, and they staple in a few skinny pieces of wood inside to stabilize the box, preventing it from crushing its precious cargo. So you can only imagine... pieces per box..a few boxes a week....we have a lot of skinny wood pieces. They make great kindling for bonfires by the way! But sometimes Melinda decides to get creative with them. For Christmas she literally made little outdoor porch mats to scrape your shoes on before you come inside...they're awesome. This time, she decided to use them in a darling little Easter creation! Some mini terra cotta pots, eggs, succulents, moss- put it all together and you get these!!

Aren't they fun? Their convenient size and shape make them great for counters, bars, mantles, buffets, or down the middle of a crowded dining table!